Thursday, July 24, 2008


I'm in Lilongwe trying to pick up money for the environmental camp I'm about to hold. I really really tried to call it Camp ACRONYM in deference to the acronymization of everything in Peace Corps. But since it's an environmental health camp and only some of the letters can be development jargon (Capacity, Youth) I now just call it Environmental Health Camp. Lame, I know.
There are three elements to it: permaculture, natural medicine and health/nutrition. It's going to be held at Vibitac Bible Institute, a local private secondary school conviniently situated on a beach that is even more gorgeous than mine. The teachers are all going to be my homepeople- Peace Corps Volunteers, plus a local Englishwoman who works for the German development agency here. Tim and Emily are are heading up the Ministry of Fun. Basically, it's going to be the best camp ever.
I was here for the new health group swear-in yesterday too. Fun to meet the new kids, party it up a bit, and see what we must have been like a year and a half ago.
I'm also getting ready for a big trip- bus up to the Tanzanian border, train to Dar es Salaam, then boat out to Zanzibar to meet up with some friends. Then back to Dar and up to Nairobi to meet up with the fam, that I may show them around my little corner of the planet for a while. I already got to play host to Mar and Kath, and it was splendid. It also helped that the generosity they showed me was stunning.
All for now, gimme a shout.